Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Setting or Changing Initialization Parameter Values

Setting or Changing Initialization Parameter Values
Use the SET clause of the ALTER SYSTEM statement to set or change initialization parameter values. The optional SCOPE clause specifies the scope of a change as described in the following table:
SCOPE Clause
The change is applied in the server parameter file only. The effect is as follows:
  • No change is made to the current instance.
  • For both dynamic and static parameters, the change is effective at the next startup and is persistent.
This is the only SCOPE specification allowed for static parameters.
The change is applied in memory only. The effect is as follows:
  • The change is made to the current instance and is effective immediately.
  • For dynamic parameters, the effect is immediate, but it is not persistent because the server parameter file is not updated.
For static parameters, this specification is not allowed.
The change is applied in both the server parameter file and memory. The effect is as follows:
  • The change is made to the current instance and is effective immediately.
  • For dynamic parameters, the effect is persistent because the server parameter file is updated.
For static parameters, this specification is not allowed.

It is an error to specify SCOPE=SPFILE or SCOPE=BOTH if the instance did not start up with a server parameter file. The default is SCOPE=BOTH if a server parameter file was used to start up the instance, and MEMORY if a text initialization parameter file was used to start up the instance.
For dynamic parameters, you can also specify the DEFERRED keyword. When specified, the change is effective only for future sessions.
When you specify SCOPE as SPFILE or BOTH, an optional COMMENT clause lets you associate a text string with the parameter update. The comment is written to the server parameter file.
The following statement changes the maximum number of failed login attempts before the connection is dropped. It includes a comment, and explicitly states that the change is to be made only in the server parameter file.
                 COMMENT='Reduce from 10 for tighter security.'
The next example sets a complex initialization parameter that takes a list of attributes. Specifically, the parameter value being set is the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter. This statement could change an existing setting for this parameter or create a new archive destination.
         COMMENT='Add new destimation on Nov 29'
When a value consists of a list of parameters, you cannot edit individual attributes by the position or ordinal number. You must specify the complete list of values each time the parameter is updated, and the new list completely replaces the old list.
Clearing Initialization Parameter Values
You can use the ALTER SYSTEM RESET command to clear (remove) the setting of any initialization parameter in the SPFILE that was used to start the instance. Neither SCOPE=MEMORY nor SCOPE=BOTH are allowed. TheSCOPE = SPFILE clause is not required, but can be included.
You may want to clear a parameter in the SPFILE so that upon the next database startup a default value is used.

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